EACH defences 2024: UCBL edition

On the 5th of September, 2024, six EACH students successfully defended their master’s theses at University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), France. Congratulations, Almira Bilang de Villa, Emmaús Villa Falfan, Ma. Elaine Fetalvero Falo, Mauricio Andrés Huertas Beltrán, Merili Tammiste,…

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The most comprehensive collection of rigorously measured pH values of mobile phases in reversed-phase liquid chromatography

During recent years, we have been engaged in extensive investigations of the unified pH (pHabs) values of reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) mobile phases. The pHabs scale has the advantage over the conventional pH scale because pHabs values express acidity in…

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EACH 2024 Winter School Started!

On Jan 30, 2024, the eighth Winter School of the Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (EACH) programme started in Åbo (Turku, Finland). Altogether 33 students from 15 countries (Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica, Brazil, Vietnam, Pakistan, Nigeria, Estonia, India, Ecuador, Azerbaijan,…

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EACH defences 2023: UCBL edition

On September 7, 2023, five EACH students successfully defended their master’s theses at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), France. The topics varied from monitoring manufacturing processes with Raman spectroscopy to quantification of fluorine in plastics. The titles for…

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Non-invasive analysis of natural textile dyes using fluorescence excitation-emission matrices

Our group recently published a new article Non-invasive analysis of natural textile dyes using fluorescence excitation-emission matrices, Talanta, 2022, 123805 led by Sigrid Selberg and Elsa Vanker. In this study, multidimensional front-face fluorescence spectroscopy measured from surfaces using a fiber…

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MSC Summer School 2022

During July 11-23, 2022 the 15th MSC Summer School is taking place in the European Center for Geological Education of the Warsaw University (Chęciny, Poland). Group photo of the Summer school is on the left (Photo on the left by…

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EACH graduates of 2021 from UCBL

On September 2nd, 2021, master’s students at UCBL defended their theses. Among the students were also the EACH students from the UCBL study-track: Lovely Kris Acuram, Adrián Venegas Reynoso, and Jude Anthony Billones (see picture) who succesfully defendeid their theses…

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