We offer two annual MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course). Both MOOCs are run in the UT Moodle environment. You can have a preview of the MOOCs in Moodle environment as a guest without registration. Under the section “Course introduction” you will find detailed information about the courses’ organization, graded tests, formation of the grade and awarding of the certificate. Guest access also allows you to view the course contents in Moodle. As a guest you cannot read forums and take quizzes.

MOOC „Validation of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods“

(runs from end of November to beginning of February)

This course is a practice-oriented on-line course on validation of analytical methods, specifically using LC-MS as technique. The course introduces the main concepts and mathematical apparatus of validation, covers the most important method performance parameters and ways of estimating them.

Link to course: https://sisu.ut.ee/lcms_method_validation/

MOOC “Estimation of measurement uncertainty in chemical analysis”

(runs annually from March to May)

This is an introductory course on estimation of measurement uncertainty, specifically related to chemical analysis (analytical chemistry). The course gives the main concepts and mathematical apparatus of measurement uncertainty estimation and introduces two principal approaches to measurement uncertainty estimation – the ISO GUM modeling approach (the “bottom-up” or modeling approach) and the single-lab validation approach as implemented by Nordtest (the “top-down” or Nordtest approach). The course contains lectures, practical exercises and numerous tests for self-testing.

Link to course: https://sisu.ut.ee/measurement/

French translation of the measurement uncertainty MOOC is available here: https://moodle.univ-lyon1.fr/course/view.php?id=7377