Some cons of the EACH program
Dennisse, 2021-2023 EACH student from Colombia, looks back on some of the cons of the EACH program:
EACH, as its name can clearly suggest, is an international program funded in terms of Excellence and high quality. Once immersed in it, you will always feel proud of it. Nevertheless, not everything can be rosy.
First of all, as with any other international program, it requires you to be strong enough to leave your comfort zone behind; that is why, more than once, you can find yourself asking: “Am I good enough?” (Kind of a spoiler I can tell you that the answer is “yes, you are” and during these years you will find people that will make of you even a better version).
Are you ready to open your mind? So you can engage yourself in new cultures and discover different points of view regarding life itself and all the sciences related to your career. For example, you will never think the same about education system possibilities, being able to compare the education from your country with the program in Estonia (that offers you all the tools you could need to learn), the experience in the country of the second year, and the opinion of your colleagues who decided for a different path.
Furthermore, inevitably, your heart is at risk of being also exposed. You will meet new people whom, besides learning together, you can laugh until you almost cry, and whom to talk about your dreams and fears. Some can even become part of your best friends or a second family. And after all this process, you will discover that fragments of your soul are not just back in your country; they are now with people worldwide.
Belonging to the EACH program demands strength, self-discovery, and confidence in your roots that brought you to this moment and in the steps you will take that sure know that the path they are driving you is towards a better future.