Students days in Tartu

In one week time the Student Days in Tartu will start. Every year before the beginning of exam session in the middle of spring Student Days are held. On 26th of April at 6 o’clock the program starts with awakening in all dormitories of Uniersity of Tartu. In the evening of 26th on of the most popular events – Öölaulupidu – a night song festival where all the students come together and sing (national) songs. At midnight fireworks celebrate the culmination of the song festival.
Through the week different events are held including blood donation day, bear box climbing, students’ band competition, painting of t-shirts based on chromatographic methods, self-made vehicle competition BAMBUS and many more.
The culmination of the students days is the boat rally on Emajõgi on 2nd of May at 16:00.