The Institute of Chemistry was recognized for improving the quality of education

The Institute of Chemistry received an award for its consistent and systematic efforts over the past three years to improve the quality of education.

One of the main goals was to develop students’ skills in specific subjects by changing teaching methods and involving students more actively in learning. For that, seminars were organized together with the teachers, which led to the realization that also the subjects of the lectures needed to be adjusted and coordinated with each other. Student feedback was used to improve courses, and the online learning platforms were updated. In parallel, the entire curriculum was revised.

Chemistry Master program director Edith Viirlaid and Vice-Rector Aune Valk

According to the Vice-Rector Aune Valk, the award recognized the Institute’s systematic and integrative approach to improving the quality of education. She emphasized the importance of consistent work for keeping the students engaged by active learning and motivating the students by making education more interactive and relevant to future careers. She also highlighted that there has already been a positive response from the students who appreciated the improvements.

In the University of Tartu, the award for improving the quality of education acknowledges a university institute, college, or department for their successful planning and implementation of activities that enhance the quality of learning. It is important that these initiatives include the collaboration between the faculty and students. Here is the original post in Estonian.