Organic and bioorganic analysis, advanced separation methods
Students following the study track Organic and bioorganic analysis, advanced separation methods will spend the second study year at Uppsala University. This study track includes courses in separation and mass spectrometry, applied chemical analysis and the Swedish language.
In the EACH programme, the Uppsala’s study track suits best to the students who are interested in applying analytical chemistry in complex biological systems.
This study track will give the students the following knowledge and skills:
- deep understanding and ability to describe theoretical models for separation, optimization and detection for chromatographic (liquid and gas chromatography) and capillary electrophoretic methods and predict how changes in experimental conditions influence separation with these methods;
- understanding the working principles and design of the components that are included in separation (chromatographic and electrophoretic) and mass spectrometric instrumentation;
- knowledge of which type of information can be received from a chromatogram, electropherogram and mass spectrum (as well as from the hyphenated techniques) and have the ability to carry out general evaluation of spectra;
- ability to choose the appropriate technique regarding both separation and detection and be able to choose and justify the choice of instrumentation based on performance and requirements that the applications demand;
- ability to plan and carry out validation of the performance and routine quality control of analytical methods;
- knowledge about advanced methods for sampling, sample preparation, separation, and detection and how they can be combined into complete analytical procedures;
- ability to use the mathematical statistics and chemometric methods, such as analysis of variance and multivariate data handling;
- ability to critically evaluate and select proper methods to solve complex analytical problems from human medicine, industry, and environment;
- plan and carry out both qualitative and quantitative analysis of for example bioanalytical nature by means of the above-mentioned methods, evaluate the data and assess the reliability of the results.
The hands-on studies will take place in the excellent bioanalytical facilities of Uppsala University.
Possible employment:
- R&D units and or production quality control in chemical, cosmetics or pharmaceutical industry
- R&D units and or production quality control in food or beverage industry
- Biochemical, microbiological or clinical research and higher education
- Food and environmental safety, health protection
To learn more about Uppsala’s Analytical chemistry learning and research environment, click here.
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