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Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Training in Uruguay

During Jun 12-16, 2017 research fellow Irja Helm from University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry is conducting a training session on high-accuracy dissolved oxygen measurement in Montevideo (Uruguay). The local organiser of the training is LATU (Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay).…

EACH and AMS Spring Seminar 2017

Today on Sat 20.05.17 the concluding event of the joint master seminar of the EACH and AMS programmes took place. Its main activities were the feedback session on employability from Prof. Salzer (TU Dresden) and concluding the Group work of…

Textile analysis using ATR-FT-IR at Technart 2017

On May 02, 2017, the first day of the Technart 2017 conference (Bilbao, Spain) doctoral student Pilleriin Peets from UT Analytical Chemistry group made a presentation Identification and classification of textile fibres using ATR‐FT‐IR spectroscopy with chemometric methods (Photo on…

EACH Winter School 2017 Ended

Friday 27.01.2017 was the last day of the EACH Winter School 2017. It appears to have been a memorable experience for all participants, especially those from southern countries. For example, quite some people had never walked on ice in their…

EACH Winter School 2017 Started!

On Jan 23, 2017, the second Winter School of the EACH programme started in Erken Laboratory (Erken, Sweden). Altogether 34 students from more than 20 countries participate. The Winter School offers a diverse set of activities to the participants. There…

This is a Golden Age of Measurement Science!

The American Chemical Society (the world’s largest scientific society by membership!) has recently published a document titled Top Ten Trends Driving Science, which summarizes in an intelligent and engaging way the main processes and trends in the contemporary society that…

EACH Programme – A Good Practice Example!

On 25.11.2016, in the framework of the Erasmus+ International Dimension Information Days 2016 event (Vilnius, Lithuania) Ivo Leito from UT made a presentation on the Practical experience of applying for and managing the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme Excellence…

Admission to the EACH programme is open!

We are glad to announce that the 2017 admission is officially open to the Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (EACH) Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme! This international two-year joint master degree programme educates specialists in analytical chemistry well qualified to…

EcoBalt 2016 Successfully finished!

On Wednesday 12.10.16 the EcoBalt 2016 conference – first time organized in Tartu, Estonia – finished successfully! 42 oral talks and 43 posters were offered to the more than 150 participants from more than 25 countries. The conference featured two…

EcoBalt 2016 starts today!

In few hours the EcoBalt 2016 conference will start, for the first time in Tartu! The EcoBalt conference series has traditions dating back to 1993 and has been envisaged from the beginning as a Baltic event. Nevertheless, this is the…

Rankings of University of Tartu

In a recent ranking of Eastern European and Central Asian universities by QS, one of the world’s leading compilers of university performance ratings, the University of Tartu scored a high fifth place, maintaining the highest rank among Estonian and Baltic…

MSC Summer School 2016

This week saw the start (on Mon, Jul 11, 2016) of the 9th MSC Euromaster summer school in Malle (near Antwerpen, Belgium). As in previous years, a core aim of the Summer school is shifting the activities away from the…

Defence of AMS Master’s Theses 2016

Today (June 06, 2016) 11 AMS master students successfully defended their master’s theses. Congratulations to all of you! Photo on the left, from left to right: Xiaozhou Ye, Martinš Jansons, Oluwamayowa Sharon Sanni, Sylvestre Tc Pagkeu, Sofia Raquel Alves Oliveira,…

Second day of the EACH Winter School 2016

The second day of the EACH Winter school was full of excitement. The key event of the second day was dissolved oxygen intercomparison between the student teams. The samples were water samples from the nearby lake Pühajärv. The student teams…

Metrology in chemistry in a nutshell

In a recent edition of the premier journal devoted to quality and metrology in chemistry Accreditation and Quality Assurance Ivo Leito has attempted to express in very simple terms the essence of Metrology in Chemistry. In the article Accred. Qual.…

EcoBalt 2016 registration is open!

We are glad to announce that registration for the EcoBalt 2016 conference has been officially opened today! Please see the address The First Circular contains all the important information and is available from the above page. EcoBalt 2016 is…

Admission to the EACH programme is open!

We are glad to announce that the 2016 admission is officially open to the Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (EACH) Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme! This international two-year joint master degree programme educates specialists in analytical chemistry well qualified to…

Introductory meeting of EACH Students 2015

Today (Aug 31, 2015) the introductory meeting of the EACH Erasmus Mundus students with the programme coordinators took place at UT Chemicum. All the 18 students (originating from Ukraine, China, India, Jordan, Congo, Nepal, Nigeria, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, USA and…

Tutorial Review on LC-MS Method Validation

The LC-MS group at the UT Institute of Chemistry were recently invited by the journal Analytica Chimica Acta to write a tutorial review on the topic of validation of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods. This work has now been…