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EACH admission notifications sent out!

Last week the check of eligibility and ranking of the EACH applications was completed and Thursday-Friday the admission notifications were sent out to all eligible candidates. We are glad to announce that there were altogether 46 qualifying applications, which were…

Webinar for EACH programme applicants

On Jan 14, 2015 a Webinar took place for the EACH student candidates who either have submitted their applications or are in the process of preparing their application. The central aim of the webinar was to give a short overview…

AMS Autumn Seminar 2014

On December 14, 2014 the AMS autumn seminar took place. It was a long and intense day, full of very interesting measurement science. As a nice feature of the seminar, all the students currently studying in the AMS programme were…

MSC Euromaster Graduation Ceremony 2014

On December 12, 2014 the Measurement Science in Chemistry Euromaster graduation ceremony took place in Brussels (Belgium) in the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts. Altogether 46 students who participated in the MSC edition 2011, 2012…

23 Scholarships for the EACH programme!

There are 23 scholarships available for the students admitted to the EACH programme (until Jan 31, 2015) and they are divided as follows: 13 scholarships funded by the EU (for partner country students and for programme country students) and 10…

Admission to the EACH programme is open!

The admission is officially open to the Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (EACH) Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme. This international two-year joint master degree programme educates specialists in analytical chemistry well qualified to work in industry (food, pharmaceutical, materials, energy,…

Workshop “Rode Altarpiece in Close-up”

On Oct 20-23, 2014 the investigation workshop “Rode Altarpiece in Close-up” took place in Tallinn (Niguliste church) and in Tartu (laboratories of UT Chemicum). It was conducted in the framework of a the project “History, Technical Investigation and Conservation of…

MSC Euromaster Summer School 2014: Success!

On Friday, August 8, 2014 the MSC Euromaster Summer School 2014 finished. This year’s summer school took place in Casablanca (Morocco) and was hosted by the ESITH educational centre. Around fourty students from ten countries participated. As in previous years,…

Laulupidu – the Estonian Song Festival

During July 05-07, 2014 the XXVI Laulupidu (Song Festival) and XIX Tantsupidu (Dance Festival) took place in Tallinn, Estonia, attracting altogether more than 150 000 people. Such festivals are organized every 5 years and the first Song Festival took place…

Defence of Master’s Theses 2014

Five AMS master’s students successfully defended their theses today (on June 9, 2014). On picture, from left: Petrică Artene, Roland Hoxha, Kaspars Laizans, Astrid Pung and Shanshan Wu. Traditionally for AMS the topics of the theses were diverse ranging from…

Spring seminar 2014

On May 17, 2014 the spring seminar of the Applied Measurement Science programme took place. Students presented and discussed the progress of their master’s theses. _ _ _ As is usual for the AMS programme, a very wide range of…

Mart Noorma – Person of the year 2013

On Dec 27, 2013 Postimees, a prominent Estonian Daily newspaper, has awarded its annual title “person of the year 2013” to Mart Noorma – the initiator and scientific mentor of the Student satellite project ESTCube-1. This title is each year…

Defence of AMS Master’s Theses 2013

Ten AMS master’s students successfully defended their theses today (on June 10, 2013). On picture, from left: Hedi Sinijärv, Sander Sannik, Karen Atabekjan, Yingjian Hou, Kristjan Haav, Kamarniso Vrandecic, Pippa Hayes, Agnes Ivanov, Galyna Gryliuk, Agnes Suu. Traditionally for AMS…

The ESTCube-1 satellite successfully launched!

The ESTCube-1 satellite was successfully launched early in the morning of 07.05.2013! Some hours later on the same day it was officially announced that the satellite works. Three AMS students (Kaspars Laizans, Martynas Pelakauskas, Mykola Tverdokhlib) are participating or have…