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Impressions from the MSC Summer school 2012

The MSC Summer school finished on Jul 27, 2012. Kristjan Haav, one of the participants (from the AMS programme, University of Tartu) shared his impressions. Ivo: What would you single out as the top experiences in the summer school? Kristjan:…

MSC Euromaster Summer School 2012

On Monday, July 16, 2012 the fifth Measurement Science in Chemistry International Summer School started in Fatima (Portugal). In this edition, 48 students from thirteen countries participate. The dense and challenging programme will give the students opportunities to learn and…

Defence of AMS master’s theses

Seven AMS master’s candidates successfully defended their theses on June 11, 2012. Congratulations! The PDF files of all the theses are available for download from here. (See at the end of the list: Hanno Evard, Karlis Andersons, Alda Andersone, Eyüp…

Applied Measurement Science in Shanghai

During Mar 13-16, 2012 Ivo Leito visited University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) and gave a series of lectures/workshops for te students of USST. The lectures/workshops were the following: — A Short Journey into Modern Analytical Chemistry —…

Probing Lisbon

text by: Iuliia Demchuk Portugal… You will hardly find a person who doesn’t like it! This country is charming and most probably you will fall in love with it from the very first sight. Like it happened to me .…

Thank you, Tartu!

(text by John C Blackburn) Tartu is a different town in the summer. The days long and the streets quiet, Tartu is a student’s town, and is exciting when the students are in town. Its charm lies in its youthful…

Analytical chemistry and the extinction of dinosaurs

Measurement science influences other sciences and sometimes from quite an unexpected angle. A recent review on extinction of the dinosaurs (the “Mass Extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary”, to put it in a scientifically correct way) published in the prestigious Science…

Metrology in Chemistry Training in India

This week a joint project will finish between University of Tartu and the German National Metrology Institute (PTB – Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) on providing training in Metrology in Chemistry for Indian analytical chemists. In the framework of this collabortion Ivo Leito…

Liquid smoke or natural smoking?

For elimination of the disadvantages of the traditional procedure of smoking of fish and meat the so-called liquid smoke has been developed. Some steps during the production of liquid smoke reduce the PAH concentration in liquid smoke and in the…

Summer School 2011

In roughly one month – on Sunday Jul 10 – the 2011 Summer School of the Measurement Science in Chemistry consortium will start. This is already the fourth of its kind and is this time organized by University of Warsaw…

Defence of AMS master’s theses

Two AMS students will defend their master’s theses on June 8, 2011 at 10.15 a.m. (Tartu, Ravila Street, 14A, room 1021). The topics of the theses are related to testing of electrical power sources (Martynas Pelakauskas – ESTCube-1 Satellite Electrical…

Atomic weights of elements

Modern technologies allow very accurate measurements of atomic weights and isotope ratios of elements. This is of high importance in solving research problems in others fields. For example, accurate measurement of isotope ratios of carbon in the sample can be…

The new standard of the kilogram

In the process of development and perfection of measurement technologies it became clear that all standards are not ideal. At measurement standards of the basic units it is necessary to take not man-made objects but much more perfect samples already…

Car Battery and Winter (Auto aku ja talv)

Most people (especially in the northern countries) have had the extremely annoying experience that in some (usually somewhat colder than average) morning the car will not start, because there is not enough charge in the battery. The battery is a…

Acidity measurements of superacids

Among the central reserach topics at Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu is design and acidity measurements of superstrong acids – so-called superacids. These are acids that are more acidic than sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which is usually considered an epitome…

MSC Euromaster Graduation Ceremony

On Oct 26-27, 2010 a graduation ceremony was held at the EC JRC-IRMM (Geel, Belgium) where the first Euromaster certificates of the MSC Euromaster consortium were awarded to the first 32 graduates of the MSC consortium. The home universities of…

Determination of honey authenticity

With the continuing globalization authenticity of food is becoming more and more important. This is especially true for highly valued types of food, such as certain olive oil, wines, honey, etc. Determination of authenticity – both geographical and botanical –…