Spring seminar 2014

On May 17, 2014 the spring seminar of the Applied Measurement Science programme took place. Students presented and discussed the progress of their master’s theses. _ _ _ As is usual for the AMS programme, a very wide range of…

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Online Course of Measurement Uncertainty Estimation in Analytical Chemistry: 100 participants registered!

The online course of Measurement Uncertainty Estimation in Analytical Chemistry (), which will be running as a MOOC during 03.03.14-13.04.14 has this morning got the 100th registered participant. The geographic diversity is wide: all six inhabited continents are represented! Registration…

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Acidity (pKa values) and Reactivity of Highly Effective Chiral Bronsted Acid Catalysts

Different chiral 1,1’-bi-2-naphthol (BINOL)-derived acids and their analogues (see image on the right) were recently introduced as a highly efficient class of metal-free Brønsted acid organocatalysts, capable also of enantioselective (chiral) catalysis. These catalysts have been successfully used for a…

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Measurement Science in Chemistry at University of Tartu at CroLab “Laboratory Competence 2013” Conference

On Nov 7, 2013 Ivo Leito gave presentation titled Measurement Science in Chemistry Education at University of Tartu in Opatija (Croatia) at the conference “Laboratory Competence 2013” organized by CroLab – the Croatian Association of Laboratories. The presentation contains information…

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Measurement uncertainty presentation in the seminar of validation of analytical methods in liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry

On Oct 24, 2013 a seminar “Quality assurance and validation of analytical methods in the laboratory” was organized jointly in helsinki by the Finnish Chromatography society and Finnish Mass spectrometry society. Ivo Leito from University of Tartu made a presentation…

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The master’s thesis of Amer Jamil Al-Malahmeh – Measurement science in determination of 226Ra in Drinking water

Amer Jamil Aref Al-Malahmeh from Jordan successfully defended his master thesis on January 15, 2013. The title of the thesis was “Methodological development and validation of Sample treatment and Source preparation procedures and Liquid Scintillation counting measurements for Determination of…

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AMS Master’s seminar – from determination of radium in water to artificial molecular receptors, from universal pH scale to building a student satellite

On Saturday, Dec 15, 2012, the Autumn semester master’s seminar 2012 of the AMS programme was concluded with presentations from students. Most of the presentations were based on the master’s thesis topics of our students. As is typical for our…

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The master’s thesis of Alda Andersone – measurement science in study of synthesis of 2,2,5-trisubstituted tetrahydrofurans

Alda Andersone from Latvia defended her master thesis on June 11, 2012. The title of the thesis was “The stereoselective synthesis of 2,2,5-trisubstituted tetrahydrofurans, oriented to the preparation of lilac aldehydes and alcohols”. The thesis was awarded the highest mark…

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Validation, Traceability, Measurement Uncertainty: the Challenges for the 21th Century Analysts

On May 21-22, 2012 a workshop Validation, Traceability, Measurement Uncertainty: the Challenges for the 21th Century Analysts took place in Berlin. This workshop focused on the relationship between method validation, traceability and measurement uncertainty in various fields of quantitative analytical…

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Probing Lisbon

text by: Iuliia Demchuk Portugal… You will hardly find a person who doesn’t like it! This country is charming and most probably you will fall in love with it from the very first sight. Like it happened to me .…

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Thank you, Tartu!

(text by John C Blackburn) Tartu is a different town in the summer. The days long and the streets quiet, Tartu is a student’s town, and is exciting when the students are in town. Its charm lies in its youthful…

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Education in Metrology in Chemistry – why and how? (Masters program in analytical chemistry with strong metrology component)

Today on 27.09.2011 on the Laboratory days event at Finnish Environmental Administration – SYKE (Helsinki, Finland) Ivo Leito gave a presentation “Education in Metrology in Chemistry – why and how?”. The first part of the presentation demonstrates the strong need…

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Summer School 2011

In roughly one month – on Sunday Jul 10 – the 2011 Summer School of the Measurement Science in Chemistry consortium will start. This is already the fourth of its kind and is this time organized by University of Warsaw…

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Atomic weights of elements

Modern technologies allow very accurate measurements of atomic weights and isotope ratios of elements. This is of high importance in solving research problems in others fields. For example, accurate measurement of isotope ratios of carbon in the sample can be…

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Measurement Uncertainty due to Matrix Effect in LC-MS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) with Electrospray Ion Source

LC-MS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) with ESI (electrospray) ion source (LC-ESI-MS) enjoys ever increasing popularity as a powerful and versatile analytical tool. It has become the number one technique for a large number of different analytical tasks, ranging form pesticide…

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Metrology in Chemistry – from pipette to mass spectrometry, from National Metrology Institute to student lab

On a seminar on measurement quality in the framework of the conference ChemBio Finland 2011 a presentation “Metrology in Chemistry – from pipette to mass spectrometry, from National Metrology Institute to student lab” was given by Ivo Leito. The presentation…

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Electrospray Ionization Efficiency Scale of Organic Compounds (Talk at 14th Nordic MS Conference)

Mass spectrometer (MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI) coulpled to a liquid chromatograph (LC) has during the recent decade become the most widespread analysis method of analysis for a vast number of microconstituents and contaminants (pesticides, mycotoxins, drug residues, etc) in…

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