Defence at AAU: intake 2019

On August 17, five EACH students – Sajana, Jelena, Miloš, Luca and Rustem (see picture), defended their master’s theses at AAU. Together with Peter (see picture), who had his defence already on June 10, the biggest batch of EACH students…

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EACH Winter School 2020 Finished!

Besides XRF, the two important topics at the 2020 Winter school were Capillary electrophoresis, coupled with mass spectrometry (CE-MS), taught by prof. Christian Neusüß, and practitioner’s view on working in a GMP/GLP compliant facility, taught by Dr. Masahiko Shimmo. Although…

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Bienvenue à Lyon…

Marko Bertic, an EACH graduate from intake 2016 reflects on life in Lyon: Immediately after arriving in France, I realized that all the classes I took in Tartu would be used in one way or another. Already on the first…

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MSC Summer School 2019

Starting from July 07, 2019 the MSC Summer School 2019 is taking place in Lyon (France), organized by the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Five students from the University of Tartu take part in the summer school: Dariya Tukhmetova (Kazakhstan),…

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UT Analytical chemistry at Suprachem 2019: From receptor synthesis to ion-selective electrode

During 24-26.02.2019 the Suprachem 2019 conference took place at University of Würzburg (Germany). The UT Analytical chemistry chair was represented by two posters: Optimization of the reaction pathway for the synthesis of substituted 1,3-bis(carbazolyl)urea anion receptors by Alo Rüütel and…

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Nanomaterials and their applications in Analytical Chemistry course by visiting scholar Narendra Nath Ghosh

During 29.09-10.10.2018 the EACH programme has been hosting visiting scholar, Prof. Narendra Nath Ghosh from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus (India). He conducted an intensive course Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology and their Applications…

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